Are Painful Feet Stopping You in Your Tracks?

Step into health with the help of our experienced podiatrists who will help you take control of your foot health. As experts in feet and ankles, our team will support and guide you on your quest to better functioning and healthier feet. Whether you’re a desk worker, student, pensioner or athlete, we are passsionate about seeing you return to the activities you love as soon as possible. Contact us today to see how we can help you relieve your foot pain.

Foot Issues We Can Help

Custom-Made Orthotics

At Beeliar Podiatry, we understand that every person’s feet are unique, and sometimes they need a little extra support to function their best. That’s where custom orthotic treatment comes in.


Knee Pain Treatment

At Beeliar Podiatry, we understand the debilitating impact that knee pain can have on your daily life. Whether caused by an injury, arthritis, or overuse, knee pain can significantly limit your mobility and overall wellbeing. That’s why our compassionate team is dedicated to providing effective solutions to alleviate your knee discomfort and help you regain your freedom of movement.

Shockwave Treatment

At Beeliar Podiatry, we understand the frustration and discomfort that comes with chronic foot and lower limb conditions. That’s why we offer innovative treatments like shockwave therapy to help our patients find relief and get back to living their lives to the fullest.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Our expert podiatrists at Beeliar Podiatry offer a range of effective treatments to help you overcome plantar fasciitis and get back to the activities you love. From stretching exercises and specialized footwear recommendations to custom orthotics and shockwave therapy, we have the tools and expertise to create a personalized treatment plan just for you.


Diabetes Education and Foot Care

Living with diabetes can present unique challenges, especially when it comes to caring for your feet. At Beeliar Podiatry, we understand the importance of proactive foot care for individuals living with diabetes to prevent complications that can arise from the condition.


Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Are you dealing with the discomfort and frustration of an ingrown toenail? At Beeliar Podiatry, we understand how this common problem can disrupt your daily life. That’s why our compassionate team is here to provide expert care and effective solutions to help you find relief and get back on your feet.


Plantar Wart Treatment

Are you tired of those stubborn and painful plantar warts weighing you down? At Beeliar Podiatry, we know just how frustrating and uncomfortable these little growths can be. But don’t worry, because we’re here to help you say goodbye to warts and hello to healthier, happier feet.


Achilles Tendonitis Treatment

Are you tired of being sidelined by the pain in your Achilles tendon? We understand how frustrating it can be to have your mobility and activities limited. But fear not, because at Beeliar Podiatry, we’re here to help you find relief and get you back on your feet.


Treatment for Bunions

Are bunions causing you pain and discomfort, making it difficult to find shoes that fit comfortably? We understand how frustrating and limiting this condition can be. But at Beeliar Podiatry, we’re here to provide you with compassionate care and effective solutions to help you find relief from bunion pain.


Treatment for Corns & Callouses

Are painful corns and calluses causing discomfort and making it difficult to enjoy your daily activities? At Beeliar Podiatry, we recognize the impact these common foot conditions can have on your quality of life. That’s why we’re here to provide compassionate care and effective solutions to help you find relief and regain comfort in every step.


Need help with a Foot Condition or Injury not mentioned above? Get in contact today to have a chat about how we can help you.